Each person on this planet is a unique individual, and it was divinely designed that way. Never again will there be a person like you, with your name, born to your parents, and with experiences exactly as you have experienced. The Universe was specifically designed for you to embrace the perfect uniqueness that you are and to interact with other unique souls to create unique experiences together.
Most people don’t think of developing a relationship with their soul-self, their higher-self. Most people are only aware of their present consciousness. When you tap into your subconscious, you gain access to the higher-self.
When you learn how to tap into the subconscious mind, the soul-self is eagerly awaiting to meet you, to speak to you, to guide you. It has been with you your whole life. It has been communicating with you your whole life, but you most likely have ignored it.
The relationship you start developing with your higher-self is a very intimate and personal relationship. It knows you so well, even better than you do through your conscious mind. That is because it is the bigger part of you. It knows the physiology of your body. It knows the emotional triggers that set you off. It knows your most private thoughts and experiences.
Your subconscious mind is the larger part of the mind (approximately 90%). You have been living in only 10% of your awareness. Imagine if you had access to the whole of your mind!
This higher part of you loves and adores you no matter what you’ve done, no matter what you’ve felt and no matter how many times you’ve ignored it or hated it. To the soul-self, you are perfect just the way you are.
When you have this intimate relationship with your higher-self, you learn that it is with you wherever you go. It NEVER leaves you because it is YOU. It is connected to you and it makes up more of you than your physical body. It will speak to you. It will send you signals that it is listening to you. When you have this relationship with your higher-self, you never feel loneliness. It completely removes that emotion from your life. You feel like you have a life-long friend that is even more dear and loved than your favorite BFF.
Your higher-self has access to a “birds-eye view” of your life and circumstances. It can see miles and miles ahead of you. It can instantly see that if you make “X” decision you will have “Y” results. It can access the probability of every decision and every action that you take and where that will lead you to in the future.
So, if you learn how to tap into the guidance of your higher-self, it will share those results with you. It will give suggestions on what path would be best for you to follow. It will guide you and lead you to meet just the right person at the right time. Or to hear and tune into a song that has the message you needed to hear at that moment. Or to happen upon a book or article that explains what you wanted to know. I call this “synchronicity” and it begins to happen a lot when you develop this relationship with yourself.
When you develop an unwavering solid relationship with your higher-self and when your life begins to transform to doing, acting, and living a life you love, your friends, family and co-workers begin to take notice. They look at you and begin to desire what you have. They want those things for themselves.
You become happier, you become joyful, you begin to follow your passion. Things begin to easily fall in place. You no longer live in the drama of those around you, because you first connect with your higher-self for guidance BEFORE taking action. Your higher-self does not live in negative emotions and, therefore, will always show you the path to harmony.
This is how I’ve been able to create a life that I love, helping others change and transform their lives to a more peaceful and calming experience.
This relationship does not get created overnight. It takes you to trust it, your soul already trusts you 100%. It is you that has to take the first step. It is you that needs to begin the process by taking action. That is one thing the soul-self can not do, and that is to force you to do something. You always have free will to make a decision about what you want to do. You have the choice if you want to make those decisions using your present conscious mind or your more expanded higher mind.
I have been teaching people how to tap into that more expanded self. For me, the beauty lies in the journey of exploration and experience.
Make today the first day of the rest of your life! Say hello to the expanded YOU.
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©2022 Kim Silverman Transformation